Monday, May 11, 2009

What is the minimum wage for a trainee of 28?

I started working at a florist a month ago,one day a week voluntary to gain experience for when I start my college course.To cut a long story short she asked me to work 2 days a week and told me she would pay me for it,I asumed it would be minimum wage as I am 28.I gave her my hours for the month and said,im guessing I will be paid minimum wage and she said 'no trainee wage'. We had a fall out the next day about something else and she told me not to come back.

I have to go to the shop and pick up my cheque tomorrow but I think she is trying to get out paying me all together as she has kept quiet about it.I still didnt get round to sorting out my P45 ,what rights do I legally have in getting paid,i have worked for one month.

Thank you very much for any info

What is the minimum wage for a trainee of 28?
she isnt allowed to pay you less than the minium wage whether you are a trainee or not.

trainee wages stop at the age of 25.
Reply:The government implements a minimum wage to stop people from being exploited. Shes out of line! it is illegal not to pay you this. Contact the citzens advice buearu and see if they can help.
Reply:Depend what state you're in. Illinois minimum wage is 6.50/hr. She has to pay you minimum wage. Hopefully you have paperwork proving that you worked there. Look into small claims court if you do not get paid.
Reply:£5.25 per hour
Reply:There are trainee wages that may apply, but employers are not allowed to hire for free. You are entitled to get paid unless you are getting college credit or it is a non-profit organization. Trainee wages are also limited depending on age and industry, I don't think you can be considered a trainee at 28. You should look to your State's Department of Labor to file a claim.
Reply:If she doesn't pay you at least minimum, the take her to small claims court for the difference. I'm also betting that trainee wage was higher.

What country is this, and what the heck is trainee wage?
Reply:$5.15 and that is it.
Reply:She must in law, pay you the statutory minimum wage for each hour you work. That is the minimum wage of an adult, regardless that you are a trainee, I believe that is now £5,75 per hour.


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