Monday, May 11, 2009

How much should i charge for these photos?


I'm taking photos of flower arrangements for a local florist and i was wondering how much i should charge them for it.

I have an 8mp D-SLR and some lighting which i take into their shop, I'll also be getting a softbox within the next 2 weeks.

The florist wants to make a catalog (i believe just a printed photo album) of their arrangements so that customers can come in and choose a style or arrangements that they like etc.

I have a few photos from my first shoot on the link below.

I'll be adding a few more photos to this gallery as i get some more work from them (tomorrow and next sat).

They would be getting the photos on CD.

I'm thinking of charging per photo outcome. i.e. I take as many as i think i need, then choose the best 1-2 of each arrangement and photoshop them (background, colours etc.).

What do you guys think?

How much should i charge for these photos?
I would definately think about how much time each good shot really takes, or should take. Honestly you should come up with a reasonable hourly rate for what they want, estimate how long you should take for all of it, and call that a flat fee.

example: you take 200 shots over 5 hours (this is hypothetical), but you wind up only using 20 of them. You spend 2 hours in photoshop. Setting up and tearing down would take an hour. So if you round up for the 20 pics to an hour you are at 4 hours, even though you spent 6 there and 2 in post porduction. Consider the rest as learning time.

4 hours time $30 would be $120

times $60 would be $240 and so on.

If however you dont have many you dont use you would charge more.

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