Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What are you doing with all the flowers and candy the Iraqis are giving us for liberating them?

Boy that Cheney he is never wrong. My house looks like a florist shop at this point. They are so grateful to America for liberating them it is unbelievable.

What are you doing with all the flowers and candy the Iraqis are giving us for liberating them?
im sending the flowers to the final resting place of my dear friend chad who was hanged in the state of florida in the year 2000
Reply:Whatsa matter ? No boyfriend to receive flowers from ?

Earnest T would like to remedy the situation . Post your full address and I'll send ya some flowers, and all the psychos have to promise to not look at your address !!
Reply:I fear flowers in your house would rot from all the hatred in your abysmal life
Reply:Ahhhh, I see where you have gone wrong there....

Those are poppy flowers from those grateful Afghans.
Reply:So you will not aleve people of a Dictator that murdered them in the tens of thousands per year without "gifts". OK... nice
Reply:i'm saving the flowers for the big festival we're gonna have once the insurgency dies out...it's in its last throes, you know...i've offered to send the candy to any iraqi kid willing to walk outside to the mailbox and get it...so far, no takers...
Reply:haha, i needed that laugh..thanks.
Reply:I suppose the same thing we are both doing with all the needless bombing, raping and pillaging, and civilian murders we are committing to 'liberate' them from a tyrant we hired to oppress them. Which is of course, nothing useful, but still blowing around a lot of hot air about it.
Reply:I know! Me too!!!

I must have put on ten pounds from all of the candy -- and I've developed a serious case of hay-fever from all of the flowers! Honestly, I just can't keep up!!

I just merrily ignore all of those nasty little wasps, thorns and razor-blades; they don't count, 'cuz I watch FOX "news".
Reply:my Easter basket runneth over
Reply:Setting up a cornerstore candy shop! lol
Reply:Go ahead and make snide remarks all you want. The few of us that have been there have seen differently. The few of us that have been there have seen the people of Iraq walk miles just to vote. The few of us that have been there have seen the torture chambers. The few of us that have been there have seen an Iraqi policeman tackle a suicide bomber to save others. The few of us that have been there have known countless Iraqis who have been imprisoned and tortured for no apparent reason. So go ahead and think that you know everything when you actually know very little about that place. I am tired of arrogance exhibited by you wacko liberals regarding a situation you couldn't possibly understand sitting in a starbucks somewhere. Until you have picked up a rifle and walked the streets of Baghdad keep your mouth shut.
Reply:I am sending all of mine to you, hopefully you will stop being a whiner like all the other Libs!~!
Reply:Har-de-har-har. It is to laugh.
Reply:LOL !!!
Reply:Maybe if you had ever been to Iraq and met with actual Iraqis you would have recieved the same thanks that we did....did you expect them to come to you?
Reply:Gave some to the Serbians who are pissed about losing Kosovo. Those damn Serbians attacked us,remember?
Reply:I had them in a nice arrangement on the dining room table. Before they blew up.
Reply:Don't be pathetic you didn't get flowers and candies but you got billions of dollars of oil and massive building contracts. Americans will be in jobs for years.

Bush and Cheney and their cronies are making millions from arms sales.

They now have Iraq as a puppet state in the middle east with some massive military bases and a compliant government.

Its like when the fire brigade put out a fire. The water damage is usually worse than the fire damage. The job isn't even half done.
Reply:in what way are you liberating them? because i certainly don't see how killing innocent civilians, stealing their oil, and creating hate are liberating.
Reply:Ive even started sending some of the candy to Rosie O'Donnell so she can gain weight. She's kind of skinny.

We keep putting all the flowers in the dump and they've asked us to stop as it is filling up too fast from all the Iraqi flowers. I even heard there may not be enough flowers for the Rose Parade next January because they are all going to Iraq so the people can give them to the conquoring heroes who save them from that mean old dictator and helped them win favor with the jihadists. Wasn't that nice of us?

Cheney's head is so far up his tush that he has requested a navelectomy so he can see out.
Reply:My honest answer is, this is all so crazy it is hard to keep up with, and the thing that is realy hitting me square on is, you guy's are all soooooooooo very "PATRIOTIC"...."BUT" I loose track completely of who is Liberal and who is Conservative and who is just an outside $h1t $tirrer, if you guy's all put as much energy in to talking, without having to be on different sides, just think of the damage that you could do ( and I mean that in a prosperous manner ) by putting up a united front, and I mean that in the most honest and sincere positive manner, you guy's are the owner's of the greatest country on the planet, and you are all wasting so much precious time by arguing within. Stand up and take a bow to yourselves for being the most caring nation on the face of the earth, I have not met one single Native American/American or Mexican or Black ect, ect, ect, ect, person I did not like so WTF..America, get your act together and KICK SOME @$$, in the right direction and together, PLEASE... before it's to late.
Reply:I used the money I saved at Valentine's and Easter to buy more war stocks!

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